variegated: Referring to a plant with different-colored patches. Recognizing variegation can aid in identifying specific plant varieties and managing crop diversity.
South and Central American Farms
variegated: Referring to a plant with different-colored patches. Recognizing variegation can aid in identifying specific plant varieties and managing crop diversity.
ventilate: To cause air to pass in and out of a place freely. Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining animal health and preventing respiratory diseases in livestock.
vineyard: A plantation of grapevines. Establishing vineyards can provide a profitable agricultural enterprise, especially in suitable climates for grape growing.
variant CJD: A form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease which was observed first in the 1980s, especially affecting younger people. Understanding and preventing variant CJD can protect livestock health and public safety.
valine: An essential amino acid. Ensuring adequate valine in livestock diets can improve growth and overall health, enhancing meat and milk production.