
extraction: The action of producing a substance out of another. The extraction of sugar from cane. Understanding extraction processes helps farmers produce value-added products and increase income.


extender: A food additive which makes the food bigger or heavier without adding to its food value. Understanding extenders helps farmers in food processing and product formulation.

Electric Fence

electric fence: Thin wires supported by posts, the wires being able to carry an electric current. This type of fence is easily moved around the farm, and makes strip grazing on limited areas possible. Electric fences help farmers manage grazing and protect crops from livestock.


epiphytic: Attached to another plant for support but not parasitic. Understanding epiphytic relationships helps farmers manage crop health and biodiversity.

Extensification Payments Scheme

Extensification Payments Scheme: Until 2005, a system of payments made to farmers who received payments under the Beef Special Premium Scheme or Suckler Cow Premium Scheme and met specific stocking densities. Now superseded by the Single Payment Scheme. Accessing extensification payments helps farmers manage financial stability and promote sustainable farming.