
The pursuit of innovative and business-oriented approaches in agriculture, including the development of new products, services, and markets. For example, exploring agri-entrepreneurship opportunities to create value-added products and expand business ventures.

Cattle Milk Processing

The series of steps involved in converting raw milk into dairy products such as cheese, butter, and yogurt. Dairy processing includes pasteurization, homogenization, and packaging. For instance, operating a dairy processing plant to produce and distribute various dairy products.


The highest USDA quality grade for beef, characterized by abundant marbling and tenderness. Prime beef is preferred for its flavor and quality. For example, producing Prime beef to meet the demand for premium steaks and roasts.

Soil Erosion Mitigation

Actions taken to reduce the severity and impact of soil erosion on agricultural land. Soil erosion mitigation includes practices such as contour farming, buffer strips, and cover cropping. For example, implementing buffer strips along waterways to reduce soil erosion and protect water quality in agricultural landscapes.

Food Product Collaboration Platforms

The digital tools and systems that facilitate teamwork and communication among employees, including project management software, chat applications, and virtual meeting platforms. For example, using food product collaboration platforms to enhance remote teamwork and efficiency.

Dairy Seller

A business or individual involved in selling dairy products to consumers, retailers, and wholesalers. For example, working as a dairy seller to market and distribute fresh milk and dairy products.

Fat Thickness Measurement

The measurement of the fat layer over the back, usually at the 12th rib. Fat thickness is used to assess fat cover and carcass quality. For example, monitoring fat thickness in cattle to ensure optimal meat quality and processing efficiency.

Agritainment Activities

The provision of recreational and entertainment activities on farms, including hayrides, corn mazes, and petting zoos. For example, offering agritainment activities to attract families and provide a fun farm experience.

Dressing Percentage

The ratio of carcass weight to liveweight, expressed as a percentage. Dressing percentage is used to evaluate slaughter efficiency. For example, achieving higher dressing percentages to improve meat yield and processing profitability.

Food Product Materiality Assessment

The identification and prioritization of the most significant environmental, social, and economic issues affecting food production and distribution businesses, to inform sustainability strategies and reporting. For example, conducting food product materiality assessments to ensure a focused and impactful approach to sustainability.

Agri-Tourism Opportunities

The activities and initiatives that attract visitors to farms and agricultural operations, providing educational and recreational experiences. For example, developing agri-tourism opportunities to diversify farm income and engage with the community.

Dairy Emissions

The release of greenhouse gases and other pollutants from dairy production and processing. For example, implementing practices to reduce dairy emissions and improve environmental performance.

Beef Soup

A soup made from beef, broth, and vegetables, often slow-cooked to develop rich flavor. For example, producing beef soup bones and meat for use in homemade and pre-packaged soups.

Soil Tilth

The physical condition of soil in relation to its suitability for planting and growing crops. Soil tilth is influenced by factors such as soil structure, organic matter, and management practices. For example, improving soil tilth through conservation tillage and organic matter addition to support healthy plant growth and optimize water use efficiency.

Dairy Safety

The measures taken to ensure the safety of dairy products, including quality control, testing, and compliance with regulations. For example, implementing dairy safety programs to prevent contamination and ensure consumer confidence.

Calf Vaccination

The administration of vaccines to calves to protect them from infectious diseases. Calf vaccination is crucial for herd health and productivity. For example, developing a vaccination schedule for calves to prevent common diseases and ensure their well-being.