Alley Cropping

alley cropping: The planting of crops such as maize or sorghum between trees. The trees help to prevent soil erosion, especially on slopes, and may benefit soil fertility if the leaves are used as mulch or if the trees are legumes. Implementing alley cropping practices helps farmers improve soil health and crop yields.


acidification: The process of becoming acid or making a substance more acid. Acidification of soil can affect crop yields, so farmers must use appropriate amendments to maintain soil health.


agrarian: Referring to matters of land tenure and problems arising from land ownership. Understanding agrarian issues helps farmers navigate land management and legal challenges.


alkalinity: The amount of alkali in something such as soil, water, or a body. Understanding and managing alkalinity helps farmers maintain soil health and water quality.

Agricultural Chemicals Approval Scheme

Agricultural Chemicals Approval Scheme: A scheme which gave advice to farmers on the use and efficiency of chemicals and tested chemicals before use by farmers. It was operated by the Agricultural Chemicals Approved Organization and was a voluntary scheme which has now been replaced by the FEPA legislation. Abbr ACAS. Following chemical approval schemes helps farmers use agrochemicals safely and effectively.


ACPAT: Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy. Farmers can benefit from the expertise of ACPAT members in maintaining the health and well-being of their livestock.


albumose: An intermediate product in the digestion of protein. Understanding digestion processes helps farmers optimize livestock feeding strategies.


AHDO: Animal Health Divisional Office. Farmers benefit from the services provided by AHDO to manage animal health and comply with regulations.

Anaerobic Decomposition

anaerobic decomposition: The breaking down of organic material by microorganisms without the presence of oxygen. Understanding anaerobic decomposition helps farmers manage waste and improve soil health.

Active Ingredient

active ingredient: The main effective ingredient of something such as an ointment or agrochemical, as opposed to the base substance. Abbr AI. Knowing the active ingredients in agrochemicals helps farmers use them safely and effectively.

Agricultural Holding

agricultural holding: A basic unit for agricultural production, consisting of all the land and livestock under the management of one particular person or group of people. Managing agricultural holdings effectively is crucial for farmers to optimize productivity and sustainability.


adulterate: To reduce the quality of something, such as by adding water to milk. Ensuring products are not adulterated maintains their quality and marketability for farmers.

Alpine Pastures

alpine pastures: Grass fields in high mountains which are used by cattle farmers in the summer. Managing alpine pastures helps farmers optimize grazing resources and maintain livestock health.


anaplasmosis: An infectious disease of cattle, characterized by anemia. Understanding and managing anaplasmosis helps farmers protect the health and productivity of their herds.


agitator: The part of a machine for harvesting root crops, such as potatoes, which shakes the earth off the crop after it has been lifted. Using agitators in harvesting machinery improves efficiency and reduces labor costs for farmers.


ACOS: Advisory Committee on Organic Standards. The guidelines provided by ACOS help farmers adhere to organic farming standards, ensuring the integrity and marketability of their organic products.


ACC: Agricultural Credit Corporation. Access to credit from ACC can help farmers invest in their operations, improving productivity and sustainability.


Acacia: A species of tree often grown for its pretty leaves and blossoms. Acacias can be valuable for agroforestry systems, providing shade and improving soil quality.


AFB: American foul brood. A disease affecting bees that is caused by a bacterial parasite of the Bacillaceae family that infests the larvae. Abbr AFB. Managing AFB is crucial for beekeepers to maintain healthy and productive hives.


Angeln: A German dual-purpose breed of cattle, red or brown in color, with black hooves. Raising Angeln cattle provides farmers with valuable livestock for milk and meat production.

Acceptable Daily Intake

acceptable daily intake: The quantity of a substance such as a nutrient, vitamin, additive or pollutant which a person or animal can safely consume daily over their lifetime. Understanding acceptable daily intake levels helps farmers ensure the safety of their produce for consumers.