basic: Relating to a chemical that reacts with an acid to form a salt. Knowledge of basic chemicals helps farmers manage soil pH and nutrient availability.
South and Central American Farms
basic: Relating to a chemical that reacts with an acid to form a salt. Knowledge of basic chemicals helps farmers manage soil pH and nutrient availability.
AFB: American foul brood. A disease affecting bees that is caused by a bacterial parasite of the Bacillaceae family that infests the larvae. Abbr AFB. Managing AFB is crucial for beekeepers to maintain healthy and productive hives.
ranch: A large farm specializing in raising cattle, sheep, or horses; a large farm specializing in raising any type of animal or growing any type of crop. Ranches contribute significantly to agricultural production and provide diverse income streams for farmers.
Angeln: A German dual-purpose breed of cattle, red or brown in color, with black hooves. Raising Angeln cattle provides farmers with valuable livestock for milk and meat production.
Cob Nut: Cob nut noun a large hazel nut. Growing cob nuts provides a specialty crop for culinary use, enhancing farm product diversity and income.
pork: Fresh meat from pigs, as opposed to cured meat, which is bacon or ham. Helpful content: Producing high-quality pork involves proper animal husbandry, nutrition, and health management. Farmers can benefit from understanding market demands and implementing best practices to ensure the consistent production of safe and nutritious pork.
Fine Grains: High-quality grains such as those of wheat and rice. Compare coarse grains. Producing fine grains meets market demand and ensures high-quality food products.
vineyard: A plantation of grapevines. Establishing vineyards can provide a profitable agricultural enterprise, especially in suitable climates for grape growing.
epiphytic: Attached to another plant for support but not parasitic. Understanding epiphytic relationships helps farmers manage crop health and biodiversity.
inactivate: To make something unable to act. The ultraviolet component of sunlight inactivates some herbicides. Helps farmers manage chemical usage in agriculture.
Facilities and methods used to store feed ingredients and rations. Proper feed storage helps maintain feed quality and prevent spoilage. For instance, using silos and bins to store feed for dairy cows and ensure a steady supply.
disintegrate: To break up into small parts. Proper management of disintegration processes is important for maintaining soil health and preventing pollution. Farmers should implement practices like crop rotation, organic amendments, and proper waste management to enhance disintegration and nutrient cycling. Understanding the factors contributing to disintegration will aid in developing effective management strategies.
The determination of prices for dairy products based on factors such as production costs, market demand, and regulatory frameworks. For example, setting dairy prices to ensure profitability and competitiveness in the market.
peel: 1. The outer layer of a fruit. Oranges have a thick peel. Lemon peel is used as flavoring. 2. The skin of a potato. Verb to remove the peel from a fruit or potato. Using peels in composting can improve soil fertility and reduce waste.
Culture: Culture noun a microorganism or tissues grown in a culture medium verb to grow a microorganism or tissue in a culture medium. subculture. Understanding cultures aids in managing crop health and disease control.
The technologies and methods used to identify, assess, and mitigate risks in food production and distribution, including risk analysis, mitigation planning, and monitoring. For example, using food product risk assessment and management tools to enhance resilience and protect against potential threats.
Cosset Lamb: Cosset lamb /k?s?t læm/ noun a lamb which has been reared by hand. Raising cosset lambs involves providing proper care and nutrition for optimal growth.
kilo: Kilo – same as kilogram. Helps farmers understand and use weight measurements.
herbage consumed: The mass of herbage once it has been consumed by grazing animals. Monitoring herbage consumption ensures proper feed management and prevents overgrazing.
Extensification Payments Scheme: Until 2005, a system of payments made to farmers who received payments under the Beef Special Premium Scheme or Suckler Cow Premium Scheme and met specific stocking densities. Now superseded by the Single Payment Scheme. Accessing extensification payments helps farmers manage financial stability and promote sustainable farming.
A crossbreed of Brahman and Angus cattle, combining the heat tolerance of Brahman with the meat quality of Angus. Brangus cattle are popular in warm climates. For example, selecting Brangus cattle for their adaptability and high-quality beef production.