
Celeriac: A variety of celery with a thick edible root used in soups and salads. Growing celeriac provides a nutritious and versatile crop for fresh markets, enhancing farm income.

Herd Book

herd book: The record of animals kept by breeding societies in which only the offspring of registered animals can be recorded. Maintaining a herd book helps farmers track pedigrees and improve breeding programs.


BASC: Abbreviation for British Association for Shooting and Conservation. Farmers can collaborate with BASC to promote sustainable land use and wildlife conservation.


dehorning: The process of removing or preventing the growth of horns on livestock. Dehorning can reduce injuries and improve safety in animal handling.

Environmentally Friendly

environmentally friendly: Intended to minimize harm to the environment, e.g., by using biodegradable ingredients. Also called environment-friendly. Adopting environmentally friendly practices helps farmers protect the natural world and improve sustainability.


episodic: Happening sometimes but not regularly. Managing episodic events helps farmers plan for and mitigate the impacts of irregular occurrences.

Cattle Plague

Cattle Plague: A disease of cattle eradicated from the UK in 1877 but still found in parts of Asia and Africa. Understanding the history and prevention of cattle plague helps farmers protect their herds from similar diseases.

Field Crop

Field Crop: A crop grown over a wide area, e.g., most agricultural crops and some market-garden crops. Effective field crop management ensures high yields and sustainable farming practices.


EFB: Abbreviation for European foul brood. Awareness of EFB helps beekeepers manage and prevent this disease, ensuring healthy bee colonies.

Food Product Event Marketing

The promotion of food products through events, such as trade shows, tastings, and cooking demonstrations, to engage with consumers and generate interest. For example, organizing food product event marketing to showcase new products and build customer relationships.


esparto: A species of grass which yields fibers used mainly in making paper. It originally came from North Africa and Southern Spain. Growing esparto can provide farmers with an alternative income source from fiber production.


rent: Money paid to use a farm or land for a period of time; to pay money to hire a farm or land for a period of time. Renting land allows farmers to expand their operations without large capital investments.


dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane: Full form of DDT, an insecticide that was formerly used especially against malaria-carrying mosquitoes. It is now banned in many countries because of its toxicity and ability to accumulate in the environment. Formula: C14H9Cl5. Farmers should be aware of the historical use and current ban on DDT to avoid environmental contamination and legal issues. Understanding alternative pest control methods will help manage pests effectively while complying with regulations and protecting the environment.


Caesar: To perform a surgical intervention to enable an animal to give birth, often necessary with Belgian Blue cattle. Mastering caesarean techniques ensures safe deliveries in livestock, reducing mortality rates and improving herd productivity.

Grazing Systems

grazing systems: Grazing systems are different methods of pasture management. Implementing effective grazing systems improves pasture utilization, supports livestock health, and enhances farm productivity.


stamen: a male part of a flower consisting of a stalk (filament) bearing a container (anther) in which pollen is produced. Understanding the structure and function of stamens helps farmers manage plant reproduction and optimize yields.


greenfly: Greenfly is a type of aphid that sucks sap from plants and can multiply rapidly. Managing greenfly infestations protects crops from damage, ensuring higher yields and quality produce.


rig: A male animal in which one or both testicles have not descended into the scrotum at the usual time. Managing rigs is important for livestock breeding programs and animal health.


Common: Common adjective belonging to several different people or to everyone common land noun an area of land to which the public has access for walking COMMENT: About 80% of common land is privately owned and, subject to the interests of any commoners, owners enjoy essentially the same rights as the owners of other land. Commoners have different types of ‘rights of common’, e.g. to graze animals, or to extract sand, gravel, or peat. Managing common land involves balancing public access with sustainable land use practices.


Farmscape: A landscape dominated by agriculture. Farmland is the main element in farmscape, though non-agricultural uses may be included. Creating a balanced farmscape supports both productivity and environmental health.

Beef Suet

The hard fat found around the kidneys and loins of cattle, often used in cooking and baking. For example, producing beef suet for making traditional puddings and pastries.