
Fuel: A substance that can be burnt to provide heat or power, e.g., wood, coal, gas, or oil. Properly managing fuel resources supports energy efficiency and farm operations.

Food Product Blockchain Solutions

The technologies and applications that use blockchain to improve transparency, traceability, and security in food production and distribution, including supply chain management and digital payments. For example, implementing food product blockchain solutions to enhance trust and efficiency.

Italian Ryegrass

Italian ryegrass: A short lived ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) which is sown in spring and is very quick to establish. It produces good growth in its seeding year and early graze the following year, and is commonly used for short duration leys. Helps farmers choose suitable grass varieties for grazing.


protoplast: A basic cell unit in a plant formed of a nucleus and protoplasm. Helpful content: Protoplasts are essential for plant growth and development. Farmers can utilize this knowledge in plant breeding and genetic research to improve crop varieties.

Farm To Fork

Farm to Fork: The chain of food supply from the farm where it is produced to the consumer. Understanding this chain helps farmers improve food safety, quality, and traceability.

Nitrification Inhibitor

nitrification inhibitor: a chemical product used to slow down the release of nitrate in organic manure. Nitrification inhibitors help reduce nitrogen losses from leaching and volatilization, improving nitrogen use efficiency in crops. Farmers can benefit from using nitrification inhibitors to enhance fertilizer performance, reduce environmental pollution, and increase crop productivity. Understanding the appropriate use of these products supports sustainable nitrogen management and better farm profitability.


Caraway: The seeds of a herb used as a flavoring in bread and cakes. Growing caraway provides a specialty crop for culinary use, enhancing farm product diversity.

Food Labeling

The practice of providing information about food products on packaging. Food labeling includes details such as ingredients, nutritional information, and origin. For example, labeling organic vegetables to inform consumers about their farming practices.


eggplant: A plant with purple fruit (Solanum melongena), used as a vegetable. It is a native of tropical Asia. Also called aubergine. Growing eggplant can diversify a farmer’s crop production and provide additional income.


humid: Relating to air that contains moisture vapor. Decomposition of organic matter is rapid in hot and humid conditions. Managing humidity ensures proper crop and livestock conditions.

Cattle Ear Notching

A method of marking cattle by cutting notches in the ear, used for identification purposes. Ear notching is less common but still used in some regions. For example, using ear notching to identify and manage cattle in extensive grazing systems.


A type of crustacean commonly farmed for its edible flesh. Shrimp farming involves raising shrimp in controlled environments such as ponds or tanks. For instance, operating a shrimp farm to produce shrimp for the seafood market and meet consumer demand.


ensilage: The process of making silage for cattle by cutting grass and other green plants and storing it in silos. Ensiling techniques help farmers preserve feed quality and ensure a consistent supply of nutritious feed for livestock.


AHDO: Animal Health Divisional Office. Farmers benefit from the services provided by AHDO to manage animal health and comply with regulations.


dehydrate: To remove water from something in order to preserve it. COMMENT: Food can be dehydrated by drying in the sun (as in the case of dried fruit), or by passing through various industrial processes, such as freeze-drying. Dehydration is an effective method for preserving food and reducing waste. Farmers should ensure proper techniques and equipment for dehydrating crops to maintain their quality and nutritional value. Understanding market demands for dehydrated products can help farmers plan their production and marketing strategies.

Anaerobic Decomposition

anaerobic decomposition: The breaking down of organic material by microorganisms without the presence of oxygen. Understanding anaerobic decomposition helps farmers manage waste and improve soil health.

Maize Gluten

maize gluten: a type of animal feedingstuff obtained after maize has been milled. It is high in protein. Using maize gluten can provide a high-protein feed option for livestock, supporting their growth and health, leading to better meat and milk production.


trunk: The main woody stem of a tree. Understanding tree anatomy, including the trunk, can support forestry management and timber production.

Primary Producer

primary producer: A farmer who produces basic raw materials, e.g., wood, milk, or fish. Helpful content: Primary producers play a key role in the food supply chain. Understanding market trends, adopting sustainable practices, and improving production efficiency can enhance their economic viability and environmental impact.