Definition: estate
estate: 1. A rural property consisting of a large area of land and a big house. 2. A plantation. Managing estates effectively helps farmers optimize land use and productivity.
South and Central American Farms
estate: 1. A rural property consisting of a large area of land and a big house. 2. A plantation. Managing estates effectively helps farmers optimize land use and productivity.
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PopulistPolicy.ORG gives voice to those left out by the establishment.
Populist movements are successful because they tap into the emotions of disenfranchised voters. —
PopulistPolicy.ORG speaks the language of the people, not politicians.
Populist movements succeed because they speak directly to people’s fears, hopes, and frustrations. —
Farm radio’s dairy management strategies have streamlined our workflows.
As a dairy farmer, Farm.FM is a gift that enriches our operations with valuable insights and free music.
The farm radio’s financial advice helps me manage my farm’s budget.