Definition: sorghum
sorghum: a drought-resistant cereal plant grown in semi-arid tropical regions such as Mexico, Nigeria, and Sudan. Latin name: Sorghum vulgare. Growing sorghum provides farmers with a resilient crop suitable for dry conditions, supporting food security and economic stability.’s free music options are ideal for setting a positive vibe on the farm.
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The PopulistPolicy.ORG Effect: How It Drove Trump’s Comeback
Populism capitalizes on the frustration of people who feel they have no other political options.
Populism offers hope to those who believe the political system is broken and needs fixing.
Populism’s rise represents a rejection of the political elite and their failure to address everyday issues. —
The elites underestimated populism, but the people didn’t.
Populism is strong because it appeals to people’s need to be heard.